How to raise chickens at home


 chicken belongs to poultry, and is one of the most common bird species on earth; it is the staple food for most of the world's population, contains protein is important for the body, plus many items
Other food. Many people raise chickens at home or in special farms to take advantage of eggs or meat, can reproduce very much up to thousands, depending upon the number of chicken

Education and the availability of the items needed to reproduce and survive.

 Method of raising chickens at home : 

does not need chicken into very sensitive and delicate care as some other birds, this increased the number of people they have raised, the chicken is:

The chicken needs to nests to live; so have enough space to move, and well ventilated so they don't accumulate ammonia and carbon dioxide gases, and good lighting, and sheltered from the wind and the arrival of enemies that eat
Chicken and her chicks like foxes, as must be warm in summer and winter, because cold chicken and psychiatric causes death, and you must prepare nests assigned to lay eggs, the hen lay eggs and rest period to hatch and begin
Hen with eggs after six months of age, it is better to put the jam when White Hen signs to know when to hatch eggs.

 chicken needs to appropriate food to stay healthy and produces good quantities of eggs so it contains proteins, mineral salts and growth incentives, preferred foods chicken:
Onion mixture with tomatoes, chopped, grits, corn bread, crushed and wet with water, barley, and must focus on the amount of water given to the chicken, because it consumes a lot of water, especially in summer.

  When you buy chicken be sure to buy it from a place guaranteed to be sure of being free from disease. Provide sand to chicken in order to clean the brushes from insects and dirt.
Vaccination of young chickens aged 10 to 15 days after incubated eggs with some vaccines, such as polio vaccine of avian influenza, and deliver antibiotics in case of an injury or disease chicken deaths.
Get a vet when feeling the pixels in the movement of chickens or unwilling to eat, or private suites and not to be attached to the body or not to clean the feathers and irregular, or having some marks under eyes or difference in the form of custom
Or having diarrhea and some crust on the body, these things are all indicative of a disease in chickens.
How to raise chickens at home How to raise chickens at home Reviewed by Educate Your Self Web on 09:57:00 Rating: 5

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